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Everybody likes what is new and fancy. In this information era everyone gets the information in a click, faster them they could possible imagine a few years ago, but how to assimilate all this information? We are seeing a new whole generation of people who can actually consume faster than us, simply because it’s normal for them as it was normal for us to read a newspaper back in the days.
Happens now that we are exactly between this new and old generation. As in the article Information on your fingertips posted here, never was so easy to get all dashboards and strategic analysis consolidated from a huge amount of information not only locally but globally centralized in one single device like your mobile or tablet which can tell you what you should know to make your decision. Sales department knows how valuable this real-time information is, in order to accomplish their target on time, however is it really for everyone?
Although from IT perspective, thinking that everyone would have the same opinion, business are more and more flooded with information which sometimes they are not prepared or convinced that they really need that. Their tight schedule and short time between meetings and agreements are another obstacle to contemplate this new output.
I've seen how fine mobile developments can help a lot of operational work simply by reducing the amount of information and transforming it into readable charts that represents what they must know to make their decision on time. Moreover, it's an excellent interface to support decisions on higher levels which are more complex and requires more time, analysis, plan and simulations.
What’s your opinion about this? Is the acceptance of BI on mobile device often used in your company by managers or operations? Please leave your thoughts.
Gabriel Ozaki - SAP Consultant for 8 years, has been working in several knowledge areas for ERP and Business Intelligence additionaly to coordination, solution architect and training. Focused on new trends and technology, is always up to date with the market innovation. Linkedin profile:
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